The Center for Biomedical Research Transparency

BMTS US 2019 Null Hypothesis Update Dr Sandra Petty

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Version 2 2019-03-19, 01:33
Version 1 2019-03-18, 08:04
posted on 2019-03-19, 01:33 authored by SANDRA PETTY
Slide presentation of Dr Sandra Petty, CEO of the Center for Biomedical Research Transparency, Inc. at the 2019 Biomedical Transparency Summit held in Bethesda, MD on February 15, 2019. Provides an update on progress in the publication of journal supplement, Null Hypothesis (H0). H0 is a home for high quality yet traditionally more difficult to publish negative, inconclusive, and replicative results. The first H0 supplement is being published in partnership with the medical journal, Neurology.
